
Exercise Works Best for Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is very common. Studies show it affects 12% of the population worldwide. One leading cause of lower back pain is repeated low-back injuries. Half of those who experience lower back pain will have another episode within a year.

A recent study reported that regular exercise lowers the risk by 25-40% of having lower back pain in the following year. The type of exercise doesn’t seem to matter. Core strengthening, aerobic exercise, flexibility, and stretching are all good for your back. The key is to make exercise part of your daily activity. Whether you start a walking program, practice stretching and strengthening techniques, or you’re an avid exerciser – you can benefit from regular exercise.

Start moving today. Choose an activity that you enjoy and reduce the risk of having back pain again.

Source: Daniel Steffens, PhD1,2; Chris G. Maher, PhD1; Leani S. M. Pereira, PhD2; et al, “Prevention of Low Back Pain A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis,” (accessed 02/23/22), available at

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