
Individual & Family plans Open Enrollment is going on now. Compare plans now or get a quote today.


Eligible for Medicare? Discover Quartz Medicare Advantage learn more or call (866) 491-1335 (TTY: 711).

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Explore the coverage, care, and connections that make our communities healthier


Quartz Medicare Advantage (HMO)

Quartz Medicare Advantage plans come with many extras that support your physical and emotional, social, and financial health. Your whole health for the whole you.


Quartz Individual & Family plan options are designed to meet your budget and add value to your health care experience with benefits like dental and vision, nationally recognized providers, and local customer service.


Quartz BadgerCare & Medicaid SSI

Quartz offers BadgerCare Plus and/or Medicaid SSI plans. Find out if you’re eligible and learn how to sign up.


Quartz Group & Employer

Finding options that meet the needs of your employees can be a challenge. We’re here to help you find what works for your organization and your team, whether it’s large, small, or somewhere in the middle.

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Individual & Family plans

Let us show you the value of a Quartz plan

No matter what you need from your health plan, we can help make it easy to find the right coverage for you and your family. Explore our many plan options, compare benefits, discover our extensive network, and find out what makes Quartz different.

Compare plans or get a quote.

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Discover Quartz Medicare Advantage

New to Medicare? We’re here to help.

Let us help you understand your eligibility, compare plans, and get the most from a Quartz Medicare Advantage plan with premiums as low as $0.

Explore your options today, or call (866) 530-8153 (TTY:711).

The Quartz difference

We’re here to help you live your life to the healthiest. We’ve created our benefits with you, your passions and your dreams in mind. Our local roots make sure that you have access to the care you need, where and when you need it. We’re in your communities, our communities, working to make them healthier and happier. And, in the end, we’re here to help you commit to health and happiness. We’ve got your back.

Quartz testimonial member Susan
Susan B.

“We signed up for Quartz in December of 2018. And it has exceeded our expectations, really."

Barbara B.

"The idea that Quartz is local and serves people in this area makes me very happy."

Quartz testimonial member Ron
Ron J.

“I wanted to have a local insurance company. I wanted to have people I could deal with locally. So it was an easy decision after I really, found out what Quartz had to offer.”

Quartz testimonial member Marylin
Marilyn K.

"I don't feel worried with Quartz.”

Quartz testimonial member Vivian
Vivian K.

"I just feel very blessed and happy to know that any time my mother calls Quartz and has questions, I don't necessarily have to be there because somebody on the other end of the phone is really answering her needs.”

Quartz testimonial member John
John S.

"When I call customer service at Quartz, there's always a live person answering the phone."

Quartz testimonial members Erin & Chris
Erin & Chris G.

“The fact of the matter is if Quartz has outstanding customer service. It's so nice, in this day and age, to be able to pick up the phone, dial a number and have a live person pick it up.”

Quartz testimonial member Renee
Renee R.

I’m, very aware of what they do in the community. And frankly, I think that's probably one of the things that's important to me, that my health insurance is actively involved in different things in our community.

Quartz creates health plans with you in mind​

Quartz Medicare Advantage

Get started to see the value and extra benefits.

Health & Wellness programs for whole-health living
Individual & Family

Compare plans our plan options to fit your health care needs or get a quote.

Contact us

Quartz is committed to providing superior customer service. That’s one reason we offer so many ways to reach us.