
Medicare Select

You are eligible to enroll in Quartz Medicare Select if you are:

  • disabled or age 65 and older,
  • enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B and
  • a Wisconsin resident on the initial effective date of the policy.

You cannot be covered by Medicaid (BadgerCare) or a Medicare Advantage plan and also have Medicare Select.

Open Enrollment Periods

Each Medicare beneficiary has an Open Enrollment Period. During this time, enrollment in a Medicare Supplement plan is guaranteed. A supplement plan cannot turn down the applicant’s enrollment request (as long as all other eligibility criteria are met).

This period lasts for the six calendar months immediately following enrollment in Medicare Parts A and B.

Guarantee Issue Periods

Guarantee issue occurs if you are applying within six months of enrolling in Medicare Part B or within six months of turning 65. Other Guarantee Issue periods may apply.

Other Enrollment Periods

If an individual is enrolling outside of either an Open or Guarantee Issue period, the application will be reviewed to determine whether the plan will accept the applicant, based on health factors.

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