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Pharmacy Frequently Asked Questions
What is a drug formulary?
The drug formulary is a detailed list of safe, effective, and cost-effective medications.
Quartz Medicare Advantage (HMO) covers the drugs listed in our Formulary as long as the drug:
- Is medically necessary
- The prescription is filled at a Quartz Medicare Advantage network pharmacy
- Meets other plan rules
Not all prescription drugs are covered, so make sure to check the Formulary when you receive a prescription.
Most drugs fall into the following categories:
Non-formulary: Some drugs or groups of drugs are not covered on our Formulary. In some cases, this is because we have alternative drugs on our Formulary that we cover instead. In other cases, there are Medicare rules which prevent us from covering the drug.
Examples include:
- Drugs to treat hair loss
- Sexual dysfunction treatments
- Drugs for cosmetic use
- Over-the-counter (OTC) medications
Restricted: Some covered drugs may have additional requirements or limits on coverage. These requirements and limits may include:
- Prior Authorization: This means that you or your doctor will need to get approval from us before you fill a prescription. If you don’t get approval, we may not cover the drug.
- Quantity Limits: This means that there is a limit on the amount of the drug that we will cover. For example, a drug that has a Quantity Limit of “30 per 30 days” means that the drug is limited to 30 tablets per 30 days (in other words, one tablet per day).
- Step Therapy: This means that you must first try certain drugs to treat your medical condition before we will cover another drug for that condition. For example, if Drug A and Drug B both treat your medical condition, we may not cover Drug B unless you try Drug A first. If Drug A does not work for you (or you are unable to take it), we will then cover Drug B.
Tiers: Drugs on our Formulary are assigned to a tier. The tier that a drug is on determines how much you pay for that drug. You will generally pay more for drugs at a higher tier.
- Tier 1, Preferred Generic: Lower-cost, commonly used generic drugs
- Tier 2, Generic: Many generic drugs
- Tier 3, Preferred Brand: Many common brand name drugs and some higher-cost generic drugs and insulin
- Tier 4, Non-preferred Drug: Non-preferred brand and generic drugs
- Tier 5, Specialty: Unique and/or very high-cost brand and generic drugs.
- Tier 6, Select Care Drugs: Many low cost meds that treat diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, osteoporosis, and other conditions.
Some drugs are covered only at certain times. Check your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) for full information.
What if my doctor prescribes a new medication in Tier 4?
A medication may be placed in Tier 4 if it is new and not yet proven to be safe or effective, or there is a similar drug on a lower tier of the Formulary that may provide you with the same benefit at a lower cost.
For example, a lot of people take blood thinners (anticoagulants). The Quartz Medicare Advantage Formulary has blood thinners in several different tiers. If your doctor prescribes you a blood thinner in Tier 4 (Non-preferred Brand), you might want to ask if a blood thinner in a lower tier would work just as well. Your cost will generally be less; sometimes the difference is only a few dollars, and sometimes the difference is hundreds of dollars.
What is a generic (generic equivalent)?
A generic equivalent means that two different medicines have the same active ingredient and work the same way. A generic equivalent is usually less expensive than the brand name drug.
A generic equivalent:
- Has the identical amount of the same active ingredient in the same dosage
- Has the same route of administration (if one is a tablet, the equivalent is also a tablet)
- Is expected to have the same clinical effects
- Is expected to be just as safe
The United States Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decides which drugs are equivalent to each other.
According to the FDA. Generic medications must meet the same standards for purity, strength, and quality as brand name drugs. Generic drugs must be approved by the FDA before they can be sold.
Generic drugs may look different from the brand name drug. Sometimes the FDA requires a generic drug to look different than a brand name drug. For example, the tablet color, shape, or size might be different.
You can view how different medications look by logging into MyChart.
How do drugs get on the Formulary?
The drugs on the Quartz Medicare Advantage Formulary are selected with help from the Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee. The P&T Committee is made up of doctors and pharmacists who care for Quartz Medicare Advantage members. The P&T Committee meets every three months to review medications.They decide the formulary tier and restriction status of each medication.
A variety of factors are considered. They include:
- Safety
- Side effects
- Drug interactions
- How well the drug works
- Dosing schedule and dose form
- Appropriate uses
- Cost-effectiveness
In making formulary decisions, the committee uses the most up-to-date information on the medication from a variety of sources. These include published clinical trials, data submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for drug approval, and recommendations from local or national treatment guidelines. The committee works with local health care practitioners who are experts in the use of the drug class under review.
That means that the Quartz Medicare Advantage Formulary is made up of medicines that are a necessary part of a quality treatment program.
What is Prior Authorization?
Some medications need approval by the Pharmacy Department before Quartz Medicare Advantage will cover them. This is called Prior Authorization.
You can also see which drugs need Prior Authorization by looking at the Drug Formulary. Drugs that need Prior Authorization will have “(PA)” after the drug name.
You can find the prior authorization criteria on our website.
How do I request reimbursement for a prescription I paid for myself?
When you buy your medicine at the pharmacy, it’s best to use your Quartz Medicare Advantage ID card.
If you don’t have your ID card and need to pay out-of-pocket, you can complete the Medicare Part D claim form and mail the pharmacy’s itemized receipt to us.
Note: Quartz Medicare Advantage uses a Pharmacy Benefit Manager that has contracts with thousands of pharmacies.
That means that when you use your Quartz Medicare Advantage ID card to buy medicine, the pharmacy may charge less than their usual price.
When you don’t use your ID Card, you won’t get the lower cost. That also means that when we reimburse you for the medicine, we only pay what we would normally pay the pharmacy. It may not be the full amount you paid the pharmacy for the medicine.
What are my prescription copays or coinsurance?
A copay (short for copayment) is a fixed dollar amount that you pay out-of-pocket for a one-month supply of a medication (example: you may have a $15 copay for a drug).
A coinsurance is a percentage the drug cost that you pay for a medication (example: you may pay 25% of the cost of a drug).
The amount you pay for your medication(s) is in your Summary of Benefits and is noted in the printed formulary document.
You can log in to MyChart to access the Quartz Rx Pharmacy Benefits Online Tool.
What is an over-the-counter medication (OTC)?
OTC medications can be purchased without a prescription. While OTC medications are NOT covered by Medicare Part D or Quartz Medicare Advantage, you may be able to get a discount at the pharmacy. If your doctor writes a prescription for an OTC, you can fill it at your pharmacy using your Quartz Medicare Advantage ID card to get a discount.
Note: The cost of OTC drugs is not applied to your yearly out-of-pocket maximums.
What if I already have prescription drug coverage through Senior Care, the Veterans Administration, or a Retiree Plan?
Anyone with current drug coverage through Senior Care, the Veterans Administration (VA), Tricare, or a Retiree Plan can choose a Medicare Advantage plan without Part D drug coverage.
You can avoid penalties if your existing drug coverage is at least as good or better than Medicare Part D coverage. Please contact Quartz Customer Success for further details.
What is my prescription coverage if I am out of the service area?
Quartz Medicare Advantage Part D drug coverage uses a Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) which has contracts with thousands of pharmacies nationwide. That means you will have coverage for prescription drugs at many pharmacies nationwide.
To find a pharmacy near you:- Search for a pharmacy; or,
- Use the Quartz Rx Pharmacy Benefit Tool on the web or download the Quartz Rx mobile app, learn more.
What can I do if my prescription drug requires a Prior Authorization or is not covered?
If your doctor wants you to have a medicine that needs Prior Authorization, the doctor or clinic can fill out a Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Determination Form.
This form is used if you:
- Need a drug that is not on the Quartz Medicare Advantage Formulary (list of covered drugs)
- Need a Prior Authorization for the drug your doctor has prescribed
- Have evidence that it would be bad for you to try another drug first before getting the drug your doctor prescribed (step therapy)
- Want more tablets than are allowed by the Formulary (quantity limit)
- Find out your doctor has prescribed an expensive drug, but there’s a drug available on a lower tier that you would like to try (tier exception)
- Found out that the drug plan charged a higher copay than it should have
If your Request for a Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Determination is denied, you can still take the medication, but Quartz Medicare Advantage may not pay for it.
Members and/or their doctors can start the coverage determination process.
What if my medicine is not on the Formulary?
If a drug is not on the Formulary, it is not covered by Quartz Medicare Advantage. However, you and your doctor may request that a non-formulary drug be covered by filling out a Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Exception Form. Quartz Medicare Advantage will then review your request based on your unique situation.
What is step therapy?
Some prescription drugs require step therapy. Step therapy means that you have to try one or more drugs first before Quartz Medicare Advantage will cover the prescribed drug. You can see which medicines require step therapy by looking at the drug formulary. These drugs will have “ST” by the name of the drug.
If your doctor prescribes a drug that requires step therapy:
Step One: First, you have to try a different drug (a Step One drug) to see if that works for you. Talk to your doctor to see if the Step One drug would work for you. You can find the step therapy requirements on our website.
Step Two: If the Step One drug doesn’t work, talk to your doctor about what medication you can use instead. The number of drugs you must try first depends on which drug your doctor originally prescribed.
You can request an exception, so you don’t have to do step therapy if:
- You already went through these steps and know the other drugs won’t work (and you have medical records that show this)
- You can’t go through the steps for medical reasons.
If Quartz Medicare Advantage approves your request to step directly to the prescribed drug, that also means you will pay your cost share for that drug tier level.
If your Request for a Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Determination is denied, you can still take the medication, but Quartz Medicare Advantage may not pay for it.
Members and/or their doctors can start the coverage determination process. The exception request process also uses the Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage Determination Form.
Contact us
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Call Quartz Customer Success (844) 644-3455 or message us on Quartz MyChart.