
Pop Health and CX – What’s the Buzz?

Population Health

You may have heard of population health, but what does it really mean? At Quartz, population health is our ongoing commitment to help our members live life to the fullest, by supporting them when they’re sick, but aspiring to keep them healthy. In essence, we support their total health and well-being. With each person who gets healthier, the community’s collective state of well-being improves.

  • We start by partnering with the best doctors and other care providers to deliver the right care, at the right cost, at the right time.
  • When members are not interacting with their health care team, they are supported by Quartz with self-management tools, clinical programs and targeted outreach to live their best lives.

Customer Experience (CX)

Customer experience is the “why” behind everything we do as a health plan. The overall member experience we deliver has many components that go well beyond friendly customer service, such as –

  • Can members understand our materials the first time they read them?
  • Can members find what they’re looking for on our website?
  • Did we respond to questions promptly and correctly?
  • Do our members feel supported by Quartz regardless of their medical needs?

Our approach to member total care and well-being has earned Quartz top quality scores from national accreditation groups year after year –

  • Our Senior Preferred Medicare Advantage HMO plans have been awarded the highest overall rating of five out of five stars from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for the 2020 plan year.*
  • The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) has recognized Quartz Health Benefit Plans Corporation (QHBPC) among the nation’s highest-rated health insurance plans for its commercial HMO / POS products. QHBPC’s overall rating was 4.5 out of 5 in NCQA’s Private Health Insurance Plan Ratings 2018-2019. 

Even with these results, we are always looking to improve the ways we meet your needs and improve the health of the communities we serve. That’s why we survey representatives from all of our customer groups (members, agents, employer groups and providers) throughout the year, so we can hear from you directly. If you receive a survey, please respond with your feedback so we can do better and be better. For you. 

*Star ratings are assessed each year and may change from one year to the next
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