About Primary Care Providers For Medicare Select Members
Do I need to choose a PCP?
Quartz requires most members to have a PCP.
To select your PCP, Quartz provides you with the following options:
- Choose a PCP from the list of participating practitioners found at QuartzBenefits.com/FindADoctor (select the Commercial HMO/POS Network).
- Choose a participating clinic, and Quartz will assign a PCP at the clinic. Have Quartz assign you a PCP and clinic close to your home.
If you would like help in selecting a UW Health PCP, contact the UW Health Welcome Center at (800) 552-4255, weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST. You can also send an email to [email protected].
Can I change my PCP?
Yes. You can change your PCP at any time.
We offer two convenient ways to change your PCP:
- Go to QuartzMyChart.com
- Call Quartz Customer Service at (800) 362-3310
PCP changes are effective on the day of Quartz’s receipt of your request, unless you request a future date.
Do I need to see my PCP for all my health care?
You should talk with your PCP before seeing other types of practitioners, so he/she may coordinate your health care.
What if I need to see a specialist?
You should work with your PCP to determine if you need specialty care. If you do, he/she will refer you to an appropriate specialist who is participating in your network.