
Advance Care Planning

Do you have an advance care plan?

Advance care planning ensures your wishes are known by your family, friends and doctors. This becomes especially important if you ever have a serious illness or injury and are unable to communicate.

Advance care planning can help you

  • Understand your treatment options
  • Define your health care goals
  • Weigh your options about the care and treatment you may want
  • Choose a health care agent and/or complete an advance directive
    • Your health care agent is the person you choose to speak for you if you become injured or ill and unable to communicate.
    • An advance directive lets loved ones or a doctor know your wishes regarding medical treatment. It often includes a living will.

More information about advance care planning in available online

Source: UW Health Patient Guides, “Make Your Own Health Care Choices”, (accessed June 23, 2022), available at

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