
Care Management Can Help When You Need it the Most

What is Care Management?

Care management is the coordination of care, services and resources for members with certain complex or chronic conditions. There is no extra cost for this service to health plan members with this benefit, and you can refer yourself. Care management staff works closely with you and your caregivers to guide you through medical and community services that can be difficult to navigate.

Care Management Staff May Help:

  • Provide education about your health condition and care
  • Support and reinforce treatments and therapies recommended by your health care provider
  • Coordinate health services and clarify insurance benefits
  • Connect you to community services or programs

Who Might Benefit?

  • Members who have more than one serious health problem such as diabetes, heart failure or COPD
  • Members who have experienced a significant event or diagnosis like cancer, stroke or traumatic brain injury
  • Members who have had several emergency room visits or hospital stays

If you are interested in care management services, call (844) 403-1712 for more information. Or, visit to fill out the online form. Once you fill it out, either fax the form to (608) 821-4884 or mail it to Quartz QMPH, 2650 Novation Parkway, Fitchburg, WI 53713.

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