
February is American Heart Month

Heart disease can often be prevented by making healthy choices and managing health conditions.

One of the most important ways to have a healthy heart is to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Some tips to help keep healthy meals on the family’s table –

  • Serve one meal for everyone. Plan meals to include at least one thing that everyone likes. Then, serve one meal for everyone in the family; unless there are family members with food allergies.
  • No clean-plate club. Help kids focus on eating until they’re full rather than finishing every bite on their plate.
  • Healthy celebrations. Pick truly rewarding rewards. Instead of rewarding children with food, give verbal
    praise and a hug for good behavior.

February is When Hearts Are the Star of the Show

Even though hearts are the star of the show on February 14, we’ve created a calendar full of fun ways to include heart disease prevention in your daily life during the entire month of February.

If you’re looking for more ways to eat healthier or exercise more, consider our Health Coaching program2. Visit the Health and Wellness section of our website to learn more.

February is the Best Time to Go Red®! 1

Go Red For Women® is the American Heart Association’s national movement to end heart disease and stroke in women.

Go Red For Women advocates for more research and swifter action for women’s heart health.

  1. Go Red, Go Red For Women and National Wear Red Day are registered trademarks of the American Heart Association, Inc.
  2. State and Local members can call Staywell at (800) 821-6591 to learn about their health coaching opportunities.

Sources: American Heart Association, “Behind National Wear Red Day”, (accessed November 2, 2018), available at
wearredday/ for 2019; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Heart Disease Can Happen at Any Age”, (accessed November 2, 2018),
available at;;;;
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