
Best Ways to Stay Hydrated in Summer

Staying Hydrated in Summer

Staying hydrated during the humid Wisconsin summer is important. But drinking 8 glasses of water a day can be difficult to do! Try adding some flavor to your water.

Are you aware there are water bottle infusers that add fruit & its nutrients to water? This way you are getting a better flavor along with nutrition – all at the same time!

Add cucumbers, strawberries, mangos, watermelon, kiwis, limes, lemons, oranges, blueberries and more for a naturally sweet drink. While you can spend big bucks on infusers, they sell for as low at $5 at local retailers.

Infused water bottles not only help with a more flavorful drink to keep you hydrated, but also have major health benefits. Some are listed below:

  • Keep your temperature normal
  • Lubricate and cushion joints
  • Protect your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues
  • Get rid of wastes

In addition to infusers, there are many delicious, healthy summer drinks to help you stay hydrated. Try this recipe on a hot day:

6 cups cold filtered water
4 caffeine-free herbal berry tea bags
2 mint leaves
24 frozen whole strawberries
24 ice cubes

Pour water into a large clear glass pitcher or jar. Add the tea bags and mint. Cover with a small dish towel, large enough to keep debris and bugs out. Place the tea in direct sunlight for 4 to 5 hours. Remove the tea bags and mint leaves. Add berries and ice to the pitcher and serve cold. Enjoy!

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