
Reminder: No Surprises Act Now in Effect

You’ll want to keep your information current to remain in our provider directory. Effective January 1, 2022, the No Surprises Act includes new requirements designed to protect patients by improving the accuracy of provider directory information.

Providers are required to:

  • Submit changes for the provider directory
  • Provide information at the request of the health plan

Health plans are required to:

  • Verify provider information every 90 days
  • Update the provider directory within two days of receipt of the information
  • Remove providers from the directory if they do not respond to requests for information

Providers are encouraged to update their digital contact information in the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) to facilitate secure care coordination and data exchange.

Please Respond to Surveys

Thank you in advance for understanding that providers will need to stay up-to-date on all required Quartz surveys and respond promptly. These include:

Facility Operations Form (FOF). The FOF will be sent out each January — providers are only required to complete it once per year. The FOF has information Quartz is required to collect from providers under CMS. NCQA, Wisconsin DHS, and now the No Surprises Act.

No Surprises Act verification. This quarterly verification process requires providers to confirm minimal information listed in the Quartz provider directory as required by the No Surprises Act and CMS (including the newly required Digital Contact Information). This replaces the current CMS verification for Quartz Medicare Advantage contracted providers.

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