
UW-Madison Establishes Addiction Hotline for Providers

With the help of a $500,000 grant from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the University of Wisconsin Addiction Consultation Hotline offers daily on-call help to providers dealing with patients suffering from substance abuse problems.


Get assistance from the hotline –

  • Weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • By calling UW Health Access Center locally at (608) 263-3260 or toll free (800) 472-0111

Randall Brown, MD, PhD oversees the program team for the service. He explains, “The goal of this project is to offer real-time support and expertise from specialists in addiction medicine, addiction psychiatry, psychology and AODA counseling. I am confident that we can reduce the enormous suffering substance abuse produces in this state.”

He notes that while the focus will be on acute care for the patient in the doctor’s office, the addiction specialists will also provide advice for longer-term care and follow-up. The service will provide counsel about the full range of addictions, including alcohol, opioids, stimulants, marijuana and synthetics. 

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