Erin Dubiel – Quartz Human Resource Intern
This week, The Intern Corner takes us to the Human Resource department to meet Erin Dubiel. We asked Erin why she’s interested in Human Resources, how she chose Quartz, and how she hopes her future unfolds.
Where do you go to school and what’s your major?
I go to the University of Wisconsin-Madison where I study Human Resource Management.
Why did you pick your major?
I picked my major because I always knew I wanted to work with people. After trying out majors like Psychology and Communication Arts, I wanted to focus on working with corporate businesses to recruit and retain talent that would add value to the work they do. My motto is that everyone has a different skillset / personality that they can offer. I always want to hear everyone’s story and why they are on the career path that they are!
Why did you pick Quartz for your summer internship?
I applied to Quartz because I met Alicia Genin through a student organization event (Society of Human Resource Management). We networked there, and at the end of our conversation she mentioned Quartz has an internship program over the summer and to apply.
Where do you see yourself five years from now (life, career, etc)?
In five years from now, I hope to be in a position / career path that I love. Preferably, I’d like that to be in Human Resources, but I know that things can change. Eventually, I’d hope to have a leadership role (i.e. lead / supervisor of a team) in whatever path I am on. I want to adopt at least two animals – preferably a dog and a rabbit because I love smaller, fluffy animals. Lastly, I hope that I will travel abroad or have moved to another part of the U.S. I’ve always wanted to live in the northeastern region of the U.S.
What event are you most excited for this summer? What are you most excited to do in your position?
During my internship, I’m excited to learn more about HR Information Systems and how they help organize information about candidates and employees. Right now, I’m helping prepare and launch OPAL, which deals with getting new hires ready for the onboarding process! This summer, I’m excited to go to concerts and go on road trips with my friends and family!
If you had to pick your “anthem,” (music) what would you pick? Why?
This is a hard one for me because I have so many favorite songs! It would have to be “Loving is Easy” by Rex Orange County because the friends that I meet and the relationships that I form with them have a lasting, positive impact on me. I want them to be true to themselves and to never change.