
Employer Toolkits: Presentation Library

Presentation Library

Most presentations are 30-45 minutes. Please review the recorded sessions listed below. Presentations may be modified to meet the needs of your group.

To schedule a live or virtual presentation, email [email protected].

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Emotional Health & Wellness

Achieving Work-Life Balance

The Achieving Work-Life Balance Presentation will help you identify what is draining your energy at work and home. It offers effective techniques to help bring you back into balance.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Anxiety, Panic and Stress: Change the Way You Feel by Changing the Way You Think

The Anxiety, Panic, and Stress Presentation provides an overview of the signs, symptoms, and causes of anxiety and panic. Participants develop coping mechanisms. They also learn skills to keep stress from turning into full-blown anxiety.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Balance, Positivity, and Mindfulness

The Balance, Positivity, and Mindfulness Presentation focuses on some key areas:

  1. Prioritizing what is of value to you and identifying what is draining your energy
  2. Recognizing how using positive self-talk can literally change how you feel
  3. Practicing stress relief, relaxation, and mindfulness techniques
  4. Identifying next steps and putting it all into practice to reach your goals

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Beating the Winter Blues

The Beating the Winter Blues Presentation provides an overview of SAD and coping strategies to help those who find their moods change when the days get shorter.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Holiday Stress and Depression

The Winter Stress, Depression, and Holidays Presentation provides tips to help you manage stress and depression during the busy holiday season.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Power of Positivity

The Power of Positivity Presentation focuses on the impact of a positive mindset. This is sometimes called the “Happiness Advantage.” You will learn to identify habits of happiness to shift your perspective and train your mind to be more positive.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Mental Health Awareness

Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. However, for many, the topic of mental health can yet feel uncomfortable to talk about. During this interactive session, you will learn valuable tools, such as:

  • Stigma-Reducing Language
  • Warning Signs of Mental Health Concerns
  • Steps to Offer Support
  • Resources Available
  • Developing your own Self-Care Safety Plan
Resilience: Bouncing Back When Life Throws You a Curve Ball

The Resilience Presentation defines what it means to be resilient. You’ll look at what in your life is draining your energy. You will also learn ways to build yourself back up through various actions. These actions include life goal planning, attitude management, and self-care.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Stress 101

The Stress 101 Presentation provides an overview of stress and its impact on your body. This interactive session will help you learn to identify the causes of both good and bad stress and find ways to help manage stress in a busy world.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Stress Management in Action

The Stress Management in Action Presentation is a great next step for groups interested in learning more about stress management. It takes a deeper dive into stress management techniques. This interactive session lets you practice progressive relaxation, breathing exercises, and guided imagery.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Stress Management Techniques

The Stress Management Techniques Presentation teaches techniques, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Physical Activity

Exercise 101

The Exercise 101 Presentation guides people who are interested in starting an exercise program but are not sure where to start. Let us help you understand the benefits of various types of exercise. We can also show you how to begin a program.

Exercise at Your Desk

The Exercise at Your Desk Presentation provides simple, routine exercises that can help decrease stress, increase circulation and energy levels, and generally make you feel better. Each participant will receive an exercise band and handout.

This presentation is also offered via video HERE.

Ready, Set Stretch!

The Ready, Set, Stretch! Presentation teaches how stretching keeps you safe, flexible, and feeling good so that you can do the things you love. Easy-to-do stretching demonstrations provided.


Portion Distortion

The Portion Distortion Presentation is an eye-opening experience. It helps you see how much you are really eating. It also includes techniques to help you understand portion sizes.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Brown Bag Basics

The Brown Bag Basics Presentation teaches the basic components of a healthy, yet delicious, lunch.


The Hydration Presentation shows you ways to stay hydrated regardless of heat and activity level.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Nutrition Label Reading

The Nutrition Label Reading Presentation provides steps to teach you how to read nutrition labels. You can then determine the nutritional value of foods.

View the video presentation on Vimeo.

Healthy Snacks, Healthy You

The Healthy Snacks, Healthy You Presentation helps you use nutritious snacks to get the energy you need to thrive. Discover what to look for and what to avoid in prepackaged snacks. Several healthy snack recipes will be provided.

This presentation is also offered via video HERE.   

Clean Eating

The Clean Eating Presentation introduces budget-friendly clean eating. Making healthier, cleaner choices in your diet can help your overall health and well-being.

This presentation is also offered via video HERE


Know Your Numbers

Your cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose, and body mass index (BMI) numbers reveal a lot of information about your health status. Learn what these numbers mean with the Know Your Numbers Presentation. We will also tell you how to improve your results.

Good Night, Sleep Tight

Have you considered what impact sleep has on your health and well-being? During the Good Night, Sleep Tight Presentation, we’ll discuss how much sleep is needed, why sleep is important, and tips for better sleep.

This presentation is also offered via video HERE 

Making Sense of High Blood Pressure

Ever wonder what your blood pressure numbers mean and why they are important? Find out the answers to these questions and more during the Making Sense of High Blood Pressure Presentation. Learn how to make sure your numbers are accurate. A blood pressure screening is provided following the presentation.

Brain Health and Performance

We only have one brain – for a lifetime! The research on how to improve brain health is growing and exciting. Explore the ways exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle habits can reduce your risk for brain-related diseases through the Brain Health and Performance Presentation.

This presentation is offered via video HERE.

Heart Health

Making small health changes every day can add up to big heart health improvements. Jump-start your whole-health journey with the Heart Health Presentation, by learning to make choices that help you eat smart, move more, lose weight, control cholesterol, reduce blood sugar, and more!

This presentation is offered via video HERE.

Women’s Health

Wellness During Menopause

All women will experience menopause at some time. It can have a big impact on a woman’s well-being. During the Wellness During Menopause Presentation, learn what to expect through menopause and how it can be the start of a new and rewarding phase of a woman’s life. You will also get tips to manage symptoms.

Health Care Consumerism

Navigating the Health System

Finding your way through the health system can be difficult. In the Navigating the Health System Presentation, we can help you find a path to care and take advantage of the many benefits available through Quartz.

Quartz Well

Taking care of yourself can be simple, flexible, and rewarding. The Quartz Well presentation will show you how Quartz Well can help you improve your overall well-being, whatever your current fitness level. 

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