
Your Health During Pregnancy

You and your baby’s health are important to Quartz.  The following content is meant to provide general information. Please call your OB provider with any concerns or questions.  We wish you a healthy pregnancy

Early Care

Why seek early care 
Prenatal care is the care you get when you are pregnant. Early care with regular appointments is key to a healthy pregnancy. Find a provider for your care here ( link to find a doctor) or call your primary care provider’s office as soon as you think you are pregnant to make an appointment.

Prenatal Vitamins
Prenatal vitamins provide the nutrients and minerals you need during pregnancy. Begin taking them daily when your nurse/doctor prescribes them.

What to expect at appointments

Prepare for your baby

Class/hospital tours
If this is your first baby or it has been a while since your last delivery, you may find that a birthing class and/or a hospital tour is helpful.

Group of pregnant women meeting for support

Check the website of the hospital where you will deliver for class offerings.

Good nutrition is extremely important during pregnancy so that you meet the needs of the growing baby. Talk with your nurse/doctor about how to balance the need for more calories and a healthy weight gain.

Car Seat Essentials
Learn how to find the correct car seat for your child, install the car seat correctly and register the seat to receive safety and recall notices to keep your child safe here

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that all pregnant women get a Tdap vaccine during each pregnancy.  This immunity will protect you and passes immunity to your baby to help protect your newborn until they can get the vaccine at 2 months old.  Talk with your nurse/doctor about this vaccine. Any family members who will be in close contact with your baby should be vaccinated to help keep you and your family healthy.

Breastfeeding & Formula Feeding
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding exclusively for the first 6 months of your baby’s life. There are many benefits to breastfeeding for both baby and mom. To learn the benefits of breastfeeding and the recommendation by the AAP.

Finding a Pediatrician
Use the Quartz Find a Doctor tool to locate a doctor for your baby.

Use the Quartz Find a Doctor to locate a doctor for your baby.

Self-Care after Delivery

Postpartum Appointment
Following delivery you will have a visit with your nurse/doctor within a few weeks. An additional and much longer appointment is needed at some time up to 12 weeks after delivery. The appointments during this postpartum period are individualized to meet your specific needs. Additional follow ups with your care provider may be needed.

If at any time you have questions or concerns, please call your provider’s office to speak to a nurse.

Exercise is very beneficial for you but talk with your nurse/doctor about what exercises are best and when to begin them.

Diverse group in exercise class

Check the website of the hospital where you will deliver for class offerings.

Reach out for help
You just had a baby so you deserve to be good to yourself. Your baby needs you to be rested and healthy. That means that you need to find time to eat nutritious meals (even a small sandwich or piece of cheese counts) and rest. These help you to recover from making and then delivering a baby! At times you may need to rely on a family member, partner or friend to help you. Maybe someone can take the baby for one hour so you can nap or take a shower

Here are some other tips:

  • Put your favorite book or magazine by your favorite chair.  It’ll be handy when you sit to feed your baby. If you have a young child at home you may want to have some quiet activities handy for them as well.
  • Schedule some quiet time each day
  • Plan for some help at home the first week after delivery
  • Make some meals ahead of your due date and put them in the freezer. Doubling a recipe that freezes well will make an easy meal on a busy day.
  • Be honest with whomever asks you how they can help. Give them a chance to help you by requesting that some laundry can get done or the kitchen cleaned or baby bottles washed!
  • Feel comfortable saying no to requests of visitors or other events.  Just tell others that there will be a better time for a visit soon.
  • Consider ‘hiring’ a young neighbor or nephew/niece to be a mommy’s helper.  They can sit next to baby while you take some personal time.


It is healthy to have a focus on improving your health before a future pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends to wait at least 18 months (1½ years) between giving birth and getting pregnant again. Too little time between pregnancies increases your risk of premature birth. Talk to your healthcare provider about family planning.

Talk to your healthcare provider about family planning.

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