
Kick Your Tobacco Habit Once and for All

Do you want to quit using tobacco? Whether you’re ready to quit today or just thinking about it, Quartz can help.

Benefits of quitting

  • Smoking increases the risk of health problems including conditions like cancer, heart disease, stroke and lung diseases, like emphysema and COPD. People who stop smoking can reduce their risk for these diseases and early death.
  • It’s never too late to benefit from quitting. In just two to three weeks, breathing is easier. After a year, the risk for heart disease is cut in half.
  • Quitting could save the average pack-a-day smoker nearly $23,000 over 10 years.

Getting started

If you’re ready to quit or just thinking about it, and want to learn more, contact your health care provider. They can help get you started on your journey to a tobacco-free life.

Quartz’s resources to help you quit

We offer a wide variety of services that have been proven to help people quit their tobacco habit. Since not every treatment works for everyone, your health care provider can work with you to determine what options will work best for you. Some of the services available include –

  • Heath Coaching. A trained health coach can work with you to support and motivate you throughout your quitting journey. They can help you set a quit date and come up with a plan.
  • Medication Therapy. Medications can help lessen withdrawal symptoms and help reduce cravings. If you and your health care provider determine medications are a good option for you, a prescription can be written that can help you quit. Medications are typically no cost to you when filled with a prescription.
  • Online Workshop. This 12-week program is an online, interactive workshop that can help get you started on the quitting process.

Is it covered?

Many tobacco cessation services and medications are provided at no cost to most members. To determine what your plan covers, log in to MyChart to view your plan benefits or call Customer Service at (800) 362-3310.

What about JUULing?

For more information on the danger of JUULing, check out our blog: Teens and Juuling – A Cause for Concern

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Quitting Smoking” fact sheet, (accessed July 5, 2019), available at
  2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “Youth tobacco use: Results from the National Youth Tobacco Survey”, (accessed July 5, 2019), available at
A man breaking a cigarette in half
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